Stardust Spells UK® is a proud subsidiary of David Charles Psychic Ltd., recognised as the UK's leading and most beloved psychic and master of High Priest witchcraft. Please beware of counterfeit and fraudulent copies. I David Charles am the sole owner of the registered trademark Stardust Spells UK ®
With over 300 genuine testimonials featured here on this website, no other psychic or spell caster anywhere on the internet comes close to this number! On TikTok, I have over 267,300 followers almost 25 million views and over 1.5 million likes. My YouTube channel has 23,000 subscribers.
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David Charles, DHP, FHRS, CHP
Welcome to my website testimonials! All of the 300 plus testimonials below have been entered by clients themselves or manually by the site designers, retaining all original spelling and grammar.
After the first five testimonials, you can scroll through the next 55 pages of reviews by using the arrows to navigate through the pages.
Thank you very much for free blessing. It eased a situation down that was getting out of control, I requested it for my sister and I feel it worked well..God bless..X David Thank you so much for a spell you cast back in April. It really had an effect sadly somethings have got in the way but not to worry as just about to re-order again. I have every faith in you and your work is amazing. Thank you so much. had a reading with David last night, he’s a lovely warm, caring gentleman with a great sense of humour. We made a great connection and although it was just my first reading I would like to say I connected with him immediately. He is a truly gifted man, I left the reading feeling more positive about myself, he made me realise I am worth more, although I would love my partner to love me more, I know now that I need to love myself more! Thank you and I will speak to you in a few weeks to update you!! Love Caroline xx Good morning! The good luck spell worked wonders and was very quick with working. I have had all kinds of money coming from here and there, just in the nick of time, when I needed to get things paid. I am always grateful to David, for being there in the darkest times in my life. Much Thanks AndreaHardeep
Wow i am so excited this morning to let you know that we had some FANTASTIC
news this morning. I am speechless.
This is the spell you cast on my husbands behalf.
After 7 years being in limbo, my husband finally received his drivings
licence in the post this morning!
David Charles, I am so happy for my husband this morning. I have no doubt
in my mind that the other jackpot spell you cast for me will come to pass.
Thank you again, i will definitely contact you in the future.
Thank you for stopping by. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to post them on the very bottom of this page or email me.
With love to you, David.