Stardust Spells UK® is a proud subsidiary of David Charles Psychic Ltd., recognised as the UK's leading and most beloved psychic and master of High Priest witchcraft. Please beware of counterfeit and fraudulent copies. I David Charles am the sole owner of the registered trademark Stardust Spells UK ®
With over 300 genuine testimonials featured here on this website, no other psychic or spell caster anywhere on the internet comes close to this number! On TikTok, I have over 267,300 followers almost 25 million views and over 1.5 million likes. My YouTube channel has 23,000 subscribers.
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David Charles, DHP, FHRS, CHP
Welcome to my website testimonials! All of the 300 plus testimonials below have been entered by clients themselves or manually by the site designers, retaining all original spelling and grammar.
After the first five testimonials, you can scroll through the next 55 pages of reviews by using the arrows to navigate through the pages.
Dear Mr Charles, Dear David, Just wanted to say a big ‘thank you ‘ for all the help you have given me this past year. What a truly genuine supportive, kind, gentleman you are, so helpful & healing, just hearing your voice makes me feel so confident & believe in myself & that I am on the right path. I felt very honoured that I found you & if anybody needs alittle help & guidance where they are in their life at the present time or are totally lost, please get in touch with David as he will be so supportive & you feel feel lifted & clearer on where & who you are. Fondest wishes & love always Julie X Hi David, It’s Andrea here again. I can’t help but make another testimonial about how things are going. Thanks again for your help, David. Hi, I got a spell from David five years ago at a low point in my life-without a job, worried about paying bills, keeping a roof over my head, etc. I ordered a spell and literally within a week saw results, with my landlord writing off my debt to help me and eventually landing a job I loved. I found myself back at this spot again with being made redundant a few months ago. I was like “Why does this keep happening?” and was really down but remembered David. I ordered another spell and expected results within a week again. When that didn’t happen, I admit I started to feel despondent and think that maybe the first time was a fluke, started to lose faith in David and his abilities and just overall feel depressed. What I now know is that you have to be patient and have faith and this WILL work. Actually, it must work whether you believe or not but maybe belief makes it work faster? After a month, things started happening by meeting someone with similar goals to myself-a really lovely person who I felt a kinship with immediately who had contacts and said he’d get to work on getting the ball rolling on us starting a business. Even then, I had my doubts. Then finally, three days ago I got my breakthrough and the opportunity to be my own boss by going in partnership with this person in opening my own store-I will be solely responsible for it and he’d basically be my silent partner. I have all the control and will run it as I like with this person having found a storefront already fitted out with what we need at a LOW price in a rent-controlled building. I have lots of friends and family eager for our opening (and willing to spread the word-free advertising!) which I anticipate for mid-September and am so excited! I can control my own destiny and steer my own path. Don’t wallow in depression and don’t lose faith. David can and WILL help you. It may happen in a day, a week, a month or a couple of months but it WILL happen for you. I have been looking for an ideal reasonable storefront and thinking about opening my own business since January with NOTHING-nada (rents were outrageous, leads didn’t pan out, etc.). Then I order the spell and an opportunity drops in my lap? There is no way that’s a coincidence. I am going to be so busy but I am so looking forward to it. Also, like last time, I think things will get better and better. I thought losing my job was the end of the world but even that must be part of the bigger plan because I don’t think I would have been motivated to start my own business had that not happened. All that wasted stress and depression when it all worked out in the end. Thank you AGAIN, David. You really are the best and I hope the world sees that. Andrea P.S. For those who are religious and scared of these kinds of things, I believe that these gifts come from God. While I was in my low stage waiting on results, I just saw a scripture written-Exodus 14:14. I looked it up and it reads: ‘The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.’ In other words, God will take up the fight and work for you, you just need to be patient and wait for it to happen. Will be definitely contacting you for more work related to me personally. Not to mention booster on current work done if after a few months any outcome slows down. Thank you once again David. You have really given me hope where I felt I had none left!!! Sent from my iPhoneMichelle
I just wanted to thank you again Sir. I looked for over a month for your information to contact you again & the Universe came thru ?
May you feel as Blessed as you have made me feel.
With love, gratitude and happy thoughts
Michelle USAJulie
As for the spells, be careful what you ask for ?Andrea
Regards and best wishes
Jaz xx
Thank you for stopping by. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to post them on the very bottom of this page or email me.
With love to you, David.